Bass Fishing Techniques

With this article we will try to present a brief description along with useful tips about the most popular bass fishing techniques used by fishermen from around the world.


The technique involves letting the bait fall to the desired depth and after that, shaking the rod tip. By now you should have caught the attention of the fish that is why it is recommended to wait for about 30 seconds. After that, shake again for approximately 2-3 seconds, stop, and pull slowly about 6 inches or so. Next, drop slowly back down again and repeat this process.

The very first thing you must change if the fish will not bite is to slow down. In depth of minimum 40 ft, the bite will feel like a slight pull, just like the pressure you feel when you stretch a rubber band, something like that. What you need to do is to set the hook whenever you feel this or anytime else you find strange.

As far as the colors are concerned, purple is by far the preferred choice on overcast days and in deep waters. In the summer as well as fall, motor oil is the perfect way to go as it looks like shad and small fry in shallow water and turns black in deep waters. In the spring, we recommend using a crawdad color or red (use a darker patterned red in dirty waters). For overall use, you should choose cinnamon-blue.

Next we will be presenting some tips that we think might come in handy when using this technique:

  1. Make sure you pick your favorite scent.
  2. During spring months, fish uphill and use a 1/8 ounce weight.
  3. During fall months, fish downhill.
  4. Fish the worm suspended 90% of the time and use Texas rigged worms in order to prevent hang-ups.

Night Fishing

It is usually practiced when the water is around 60 degrees and warmer. During the night, the fish are close, but not on, the exact same places you caught fish earlier in the year as the bass does not move that much. For example, the smallmouth is known for not leaving its “home”. As the summer ends, the bass fish has the tendency to move in deeper waters and will not come up shallow, even during night hours, in many lakes. Night bass fishing is considered to be productive when the bass fishes are within the 20 foot zone. Try looking for bass in lighted boat docks, gravel or rock banks where crawfish are many.

As far as the lures are concerned, we recommend using one of the following:

  1. Spinnerbaits;
  2. Plastic worms;
  3. Pork rind and hair jigs – 3/8 ounce (smallmouth)
  4. Rubber jigs and pork rind – 3/8 ounce or even heavier (largemouth)

Many night fishermen use “black lights” and fluorescent line as under the illumination of the black light, fluorescent line looks like neon making subtle strikes which are easy to detect.

Playing the fish

a) Setting the hook – set the hook using the slack-line technique. Upon feeling the strike, turn to face the fish with rod between ten and eleven o’clock. After that, drop the rod top fast and snap the slack out of the line with a fast overhead strike. Remember to always set the hook with a strong upward jerk. Never tighten down on the fish and then sweep back using the rod tip as it will turn the head of a big-sized bass.

b) Setting the drag – adjust it and then pull the line from past the rod tip. Set the drag so that it will not exceed half the pound test of your line. Do not set the drag by adjusting drag’s settings, then pulling line from right in front to the spool.

c) Backreeling – the drag is tightened down and the fisherman uses the reel handle in order to take-in or pay-out as the fish requires.

d) Landing a fish – they can easily be landed without using a net but this takes some practice.

Casting principles tips

  1. Place yourself only as far away as the water clarity will dictate but stay close enough in order to not lose accuracy.
  2. Attempt to make the lure land on the water as quiet as you can.
  3. Cast with the wrist, not the shoulder and arm.
  4. Use a quality reel and rod, matched to the weight of the lure.

Flipping & pitching

The first one is suitable for targets located between 10 and 30 feet away and provides a quite silent lure entry. We recommend using a 6 ½ feet long rod along with a single-hook lure like a jig or a worm. Next, face the target and let out line until your lure is even with the reel. After that, hold the lure in your own hand at waist level. Lower the rod tip towards the water and put tension on the line. In a fast yet smooth motion you must swing the rod tip forward towards the target and upwards by letting go of your lure with your free hand.

The second method is recommended for pinpoint lure presentation to visible, thick cover 10-20 ft away. For this we suggest using a heavy-action 7 ½ foot rod and let out about 15 feet of line. By using your free hand you should grasp the line between the first rod guide and the reel and straighten your arm to the side. Next, raise the rod in order to make your lure swing back close to your body. After that you should lower the rod tip by continuing to raise the rod as you feed line. Let go of the line in your free hand and quickly position it on the reel. Make sure that you are ready to strike before beginning your retrieve.

Some final tips we feel like sharing:

  1. Never use your arm, always use your wrist.
  2. Do not concentrate on what you want to miss but rather on what you want to hit.
  3. Use basic jig colors.

Make use of 17 to 25 pound test line for bait casting gear and 10 to 14 pound for spinning.